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SYNAI DESERTaka: Sei still, wisse ICH BINA scenical Oratorio composed & directed by Florian Fricke and Popol Vuh VHS 1996 Spalax HOME VIDEO 14301, France Der junge Prophet : Veruschka von Lehndorff.
(P)+(C) 1996 Florian Fricke & Tempel maketed by Spalax Home Video, Paris France
VHS / PAL-Video
Und als ER sah
Booklet essay
Be in Peace, I AM The Messiah
Florian Fricke is a pioneer inside the "meditative music" german scene. He created Popol Vuh in 1969, which was one of the very first band be reknowed in this musical landscape.
Within its choir scores, vocals soli and instrumental ensemble dedicated to Earth, Water, Fire and to the angels, "Be in Peace, I AM The Messiah" is one of the Master-Pieces of Popol Vuh. Filmed in Israel, this Oratorio was produced and realized by Florian Fricke himself.
The feelings developed by the music, within the energy emanting from suggestives pictures are carrying away us beyond the screen, revelating the strong and powerful film's soul. The magnifiscent biblical landscape of the Dead Sea and Sinai river are the fields of this scenical quest turned to Benediction. Those pictures from the desert reveal the way that goes from shadow to light, pointing to the sky and earth reunion. The tone and color unity, picture and music, the tangling of both reveals the fantastic production of this film, a real Master-Piece.uncreditedReviews
With 95 choral scores, solo vocals and instrumentals ensembles dedicated to Earth, Water, Fire and to the angels, «Be in Peace, I am the Messiah» is one of Popol VUH's masterpieces. Filmed in Israel, the magnificent landscapes of the Dead Sea and the Sinaï River are the settings for this scenical quest for benediction. The oratorio was produced and directed by Florian FRICKE himself and the tones of unity and colours, and the pictures and music are tangled to reveal the film's fantastic production.
Spalax Records catalogue
This 40 minute video is set to the music of the CD titled Sei Still, Wisse Ich Bin. So here you get the music and the pictures and check out the price !
Cranium Music catalogue
Florian Fricke vertonte Texte aus den Schriftrollen von Qumran für Chor mit Instrumentalbegleitung in gehobenem Popstil und inszenierte diese Art von Oratorium in der Landschaft am Toten Meer und in Sinai. Der Experimentalfilm stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Rezipienten.
Aus dem Medienzentrum Rheinland Fachkatalog
POPOL VUH est un groupe mythique de l'école allemande de musique planante. Une musique cosmique et méditative avec de fortes influences religieuses qui est dominée par les chours, les synthétiseurs et les guitares. Le côté spiritualiste du Krautrock, en quelque sorte... Chaque album s'inscrit dans la suite du précédent avec les memes (Et appréciés) ingrédients et inspirations: themes étirés ou climatiques, musique sereine, ambiances feutrées et recueillies, plages mouvantes et ouatées, générant un bien-etre et une sensation de repos, de paix & de bonheur. La répétitivité associée a la beauté ou a la tranquillité, la fluidité des themes, la douceur des sons, leur aspect volatile, gracieux, les mélodies évanescentes, suggestives, oniriques, donnent a leur musique ce caractere presque mystique et profondément rédempteur et apaisant.
La video "Sinai Desert" reproduit "Soyez En Paix, Je Suis Le Messie", un oratorio consacré a l'Eau, a l'Air, au Feu et aux Anges Terriens. Tourné en Israël, ce chef-d'oeuvre a été mis en scene et réalisé par Florian FRICKE en catalogue
Florian Fricke, the leader and composer of Popol Vuh, was deeply interested in cinema and in the spirituality that's behind any religion.
In 1981 he had already written the soundtrack for many Werner Herzog's movies, then he decided to direct one by himself, inspired by some books of the Old Testament. Sei Still, Wisse ICH BIN (Be In Peace, I AM The Messiah) had been filmed in the magical landscape of the Sinai Desert, near the Dead Sea and the Moses' Mountain, that was still thought to be the Sinai Mountain (the real Sinai Mountain has been identified in 1983 in Egypt).
By that time no one released the movie, only the soundtrack, played by Popol Vuh and perfectly produced by Klaus Schulze, was published on Schulze's own label Innovative Communication. It is one of Popol Vuh's best albums, on which the band is joined by the Choir Ensemble of the Bavarian Opera. The vocals play a main role, with a "mantric" effect, and the sound seems often inspired by Tibetan sacred music.
Ten years later Sei Still, Wisse ICH BIN has finally been published on VHS, then reissued in '96 by the French label Spalax with the title Sinai Desert. At this moment it is out of print again.
These are two excerpts from the movie, a perfect combination of very evocative sounds and very evocative images. Curiously the part of the Messiah is played by a girl, Vera Von Lehndorf, who wears a false beard.
The audio track Wehe Khorazin has been used also on the soundtrack of Herzog's Fitzcarraldo.Music For Your Eyes [FeedShow RSS reader]